DF50 Hazer

Motor: Brushless, AC, Ball bearing, 1+ Horsepower
Power: 110 – 125v /4 amp or 220v/2.0 (50-60) cycle
100-125V 4.6A
200-240V 1.9A
(50 or 60 Hz)
Controls: On/Off switch
Weight: 35lbs.16 kg
Measurements: 14″H x 15″L x 8″W (HxWxL): 35x38x21 cm
Warranty: Compressor: 5-year parts and labor
All other components: One year parts and labor
Safety Testing CAL-OSHA
League of American Theaters
Actors Equity
CE Approved
The Diffusion Hazer (DF-50) is a patented machine utilizing a triple filtered system that breaks down the Diffusion Fluid (food grade mineral oil blend) to a uniform 1 micron sized droplet. CAL/OSHA has concluded that these airborne mist levels do not exceed OSHA or CAL/OSHA
RE 2 Turbo Fan

Motor: Brushless, AC, Ball bearing
Power: 110 – 125v / 4 amp or 220v / 2.0 amp (50-60) cycle
Controls: Solid state speed control, one touch blast
Weight: 23 lbs.
Measurements: (L x W x H): 14″ x 19″ x 22″
Peak Velocity:
Focused Beam: (Focused Beam): 22 mph at 10ft
10 degrees (3.5 foot diameter beam at 10ft)
Flood: 45 degrees (8ft beam at 10ft)
Warranty: One year parts and labor
Lifetime on housing
OSHA Compliant, CE Approved
The RE-Fan II Turbo incorporates the same durable motor as the RE-Fan with adjustable speed control and one touch blast button. The RE-Fan II has a unique design allowing you to adjust the beam focus.
Now you can go from a focused to flood beam with the touch of a dial. The fan balances beautifully on a versatile mounting yoke, it rests on any surface and attaches to baby or junior receivers.
Mole-Effect Wind Machine 18"

It will become a standard studio fixture; great for ventilation, and drying paint, too.
It is multi-voltage, and is equipped with a tubular steel roll cage for safety, protection, and ease of handling. Stand is not included.
- Powerful
- Moves 2390 cubic feet of air per minute
- Multi-Control
- Control the speed of the fan from the built-in 6″ rheo-stat
- Integral DMX control through your control board and dimmers